
The Kind of People you SHOULDNT sit next to in class;

Hey, i'm Back!. not  that many people read this any ways. haha. well today i got the idea to blog about the type of people i like to sit next to in class, and the kind of people that should just have there own place in the classroom away from any human contact!.

Have you ever sat in a class where you didnt care who you sat next to. you just wanted to pay attention in class. Well thats how i am in Biology. And i sit next to this dude, who i SWEAR has Adhd, because he is just such a disryuption. luckily i have a little brother so i have uch practice in the art of ignoring people/ making people not want to talk to me, but every day as i dread walking in to this class, i see his hammer head, and i know that this hour isnt going to go by smoothly. wich brings be to my first poin
  • People who bother you so much you get off task, These are people you REALLY don't want to sit next to. 
These kinds of people tend to be very talkitive and social, on the off chance you get some ignorant fool, ( like i do,)  who makes no sense what so ever, and sounds like he came from a lil wayne sound track, i feel truely and honestly saorry for you! the next kind of people are,
  • People who copy your work, you work hard for your a, don't just hand it out like its nothing!
i have this dude named Chris in my class, he may be nice he may be " good" at sports, he is even tall! but put a worksheet in front of him and he looks for the nearest paper, i work very hard, and i study for a long time to get my a's , i REALLY don't feel like i am obliged to share that a with any body else! they next type of person isnt really to bad,
  • your best friends, unless you know how to controll your mouths, most of us, however, forget all about class wen we sit next to our buddies!
you want to be social!, i understand, but find time during class to talk, if you dont sit right next to eachother, other wise you will never have time, requesting to sit next to each other, DOESNT help, in fact if i was your teacher i would put you two in opposite sides of the room, just be cause.  this last kind is the one that i hate THE MOST

  • The kind of people who NEVER do there homework and just copy off of yours, all the time
i understand " hey i forgot my homework, for the FIRST time can i see yours so i can copy it down" but if your " forgetting to do your homework" every day, every night, no matter what day it is. i dont want to give you my homework, its not like i havent forgetten me homework before, i have, pleanty of times, but its not so often that i am btohering the heck out of people,

if i have described you in this blogg, i am sorry if i hurt your feelings but, maybe this will help you be a better person, Thats What Geray Says, Peace!


Im Back, There Was to much on my Mind Not gettin said;

Hey, since i  KNOW you missed me, haha, i am back, Starting a new series, about school, and ish, Expect the first one, SOON!