

PEOPLE DONT LISTEN? WHEN I SAy DONT! THAT MEANS DO NOT! lol <-----yup you know who you are.


No not lies, Just old truths.

I recently, well not RECENTLY but recently enough broke up with my Girlfriend, she says its something that is easily fixable, but if it was so easy to fix, why was it broken in the first place? But dont get me wrong, im not mad. At all. In fact, she's always in my mind still, but i dont know that i waant to be with her anymore, I always found myself annoyed by something, weather it was something said or done, not that shes a bad person, shes not. but dang, she sho knew how to work a guys nerves, and the one time i wanted to hang with my friends i get the guilt trip, thats what tipped the boat over really, i dont want to feel like i am obligated to spend all my time with her, when i have other people i want and need to spend time with, too much time with one person, can get crazy, if you dont know that already. I loved her, although shes content on saying thats a lie, because i broke up with her, and because of that, if she really thinks its a lie i wonder what else she really thinks, because you see, girls are as complicated as they get, they say one thing, and mean another, they say they like something to make us happy even if it kills them inside, they also lie about stuff they should be telling the trth about. idk. im confused. Heart VS. Mind who's gonna win this one?


Paging Doctor faggot, Doctor faggot?

XD alright so the title had nothing to do with what im doing, kill me, ( not really ) lol.

the difference between" im in love with you", and " i love you".

  • im in love with you;
This commonly overly used term is so strong. How does love feel? Do you know? i think we all have a different understanding about what being in love with some feels like. In my opinion its, 
  1. Waking up in the morning and automaticly thinking about the one you are in love with.
  2. you seem to be able to agree to disagree, on anything. you may have simalarities, but the differences are what keep you going (:
  3. when you talk, you both listen and respect the others opinion, wheather or not you agree doesn't matter,
  4. fights dont seem to last long, and they're not over some petty crap.
  5. you LOVE each other for who they are, your not constantly trying to change them to fit into your perspective. your fine with them being them, and are not afraid to let everyone know thats yo baby.
now on the contrary, you can just love some one and have these done, but if thats the case, you may very well just be IN LOVE with this other person. does this mean you have to have sex with this person, or make out with this person every time you guys are in a movie theater? no. To me love is more than the lustful attraction, its the connection beyond the physical apperance. the emotional attraction. Some one could physically please me, but if there is no emotion, no shared feelings between us, there wouldnt be a very long lasting relationship in my eyes, many times i wonder, Why use a word love, and then turn around and hurt the person you just said you love, or why tell some one you love them. then the next day break it off? is it weird to say " i like you" instead of " i love you"? why? people want to know the truth right? wrong. no matter what they say, (most) the time when some one says " i love you" they want to here it back, but me, i think that if some one told me, right now, " i love you" but in my heart the feeling wasnt returned. i would just say, im sorry, but right now, those just aren't my feelings towards you, and if they couldnt except that, then the door is right over there! When i tell someone i love them, i want to mean it. i want it to be a meaningful phrase, not just a phrase to get some ass. but, maybe im over thinking this, maybe, the world cannot handle the truth (cliche i know) and that is why we say things we don't mean, thats why we say things like " i love you" maybe its a way to HOPE that oneday that saying would mean something, or maybe not. whatcha think?


Maybe Nostradamus Wasn't Completely Wrong!

Well Shoot! Where to start? We all know about this Twenty-twelve thing right? The End of the world as we know it, is "supposed" to start around that time! Unfortunately, (and I am a SKEPTIC) it seems as if they weren't 100% wrong as I had once hoped. 1) The devastating Earthquake in Haiti, Millions were lost, Thousands killed/injured. And as Nost. predicted it was from a natural disaster. 2) The earthquake (only 3 weeks later) in Chile! That cause a Tsunami to hit Hawaii. Could this all be signs, or signals? What if, the world as we know it on that Eclipse of 2012 really does do a devastating 360 turn for the worse? How would you react? What would you do? Do you believe? The Maya's Calender ended in 2012, but how do we know we aren't reading it correctly? What advancements in Nostradamus' time did they have that gave them the outlook over 3hundred years before it would happen. Why don't we have this knowledge? And if we do have these advancements why arent our governments doing anything? what are they waiting for? the end of the world?! I say, As a skeptic, that we should be taking evasive action. and prepare for the worse!  


The (sex)ting habit...

What is it about these people now'n'days? Are you bored? Or maybe you want more attention? Really what i am talking about is not "sexting" its more of a why are you leaving half nude pictures on Myspace/Facebook? Why? are you lonely or do you want people to look at you like that? really? i dont know how YOU feel but i would feel violated. and ashamed. Do you WANT creepers looking at you like that? hmmm i think you just WANT to get raped? thats so stupid. Whatcha think?

Also another subject ( that is totally random) is Black on Black crime. Why do it? is it nessassary? really? why arent we Lifting eachother up? why are black people killing other black people?! not that white people should kill black people, but our people have been through so much.... we are just straining the fine fabics of the negro race. why are we committing genocide of our own kind. honestly i see the next world war( if there ever is one) started because your "krip" gang and "blood" gang just start killing civilians. i dont support this .. at all. even though i know there have been times i feel like having some fight with some jack ass who doesnt know when to shut the hel up. but is it really nessassary to kill... even taking it to the extent to put hands on some one.

i guess i never really noticed how mean i was. i am reflectin on the day. . . i need to find one good thing to say about each person i meet, regardless of if i like them or not. from now on. less negitive comments more postive. because i kow that if i was in they shoes i would not want some punk ass 14 year old fcking wit me. idk im just in a bloggin mood. . . its kinda random but its whats going threw my mind. ya herrr me??


Teenage Love; Puppy love or the Real deal?

Many of us have had a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship right? And most of us have said," I love you" to that person right. When you said it did you mean " im in love with you," or "i love you" because honestly there is a big difference. Love, by deffinition is a strong word. Why do we use it so freely? is it because our ignorance as teens make us want to believe that we actually are in love, or is it somewhere in the back of our minds we believe we are in love. i am not saying as a teenager, we are incapable of being in love. that is arrogant to say. but can really, what percentage of us really mean what we say. We think before speaking and therefore not only mean "i love you" but if you tell some one your IN love with them then we mean it. I am part of a small percentage that does this. Before i speak with strong words (I.E: Hate, Love, Die) I think about the meanings. if i Love you, then i will say that. but if i dont. and i only like you , thats what i am going to say. i wish the whole world would do things like that. It would save many people heart break. and save so many marriages. why is it impossible for us to say what is truly on our minds, if we are taught that it is morally repugnant to lie, then why not tell the whole truth, is it not the same as telling a lie?


So lately i have been working on a story, and i haven't any followers! but only a pilot version is out, its part one of two, of Chapter one xD haha. if you want to have a link comment this post kay?! so, i am out of ideas of what to talk about. if you hav any ideas for me, or have any questions, or something you want me to talk about or rant about, let me know cause i really could use some thing to do.. whoever you are.. out there reading..you are reading aren't you.. i wish i had more followers, i would be so much more inspired to write here. . . Hint hint! tell your friends to follow me! lmao!