
Paging Doctor faggot, Doctor faggot?

XD alright so the title had nothing to do with what im doing, kill me, ( not really ) lol.

the difference between" im in love with you", and " i love you".

  • im in love with you;
This commonly overly used term is so strong. How does love feel? Do you know? i think we all have a different understanding about what being in love with some feels like. In my opinion its, 
  1. Waking up in the morning and automaticly thinking about the one you are in love with.
  2. you seem to be able to agree to disagree, on anything. you may have simalarities, but the differences are what keep you going (:
  3. when you talk, you both listen and respect the others opinion, wheather or not you agree doesn't matter,
  4. fights dont seem to last long, and they're not over some petty crap.
  5. you LOVE each other for who they are, your not constantly trying to change them to fit into your perspective. your fine with them being them, and are not afraid to let everyone know thats yo baby.
now on the contrary, you can just love some one and have these done, but if thats the case, you may very well just be IN LOVE with this other person. does this mean you have to have sex with this person, or make out with this person every time you guys are in a movie theater? no. To me love is more than the lustful attraction, its the connection beyond the physical apperance. the emotional attraction. Some one could physically please me, but if there is no emotion, no shared feelings between us, there wouldnt be a very long lasting relationship in my eyes, many times i wonder, Why use a word love, and then turn around and hurt the person you just said you love, or why tell some one you love them. then the next day break it off? is it weird to say " i like you" instead of " i love you"? why? people want to know the truth right? wrong. no matter what they say, (most) the time when some one says " i love you" they want to here it back, but me, i think that if some one told me, right now, " i love you" but in my heart the feeling wasnt returned. i would just say, im sorry, but right now, those just aren't my feelings towards you, and if they couldnt except that, then the door is right over there! When i tell someone i love them, i want to mean it. i want it to be a meaningful phrase, not just a phrase to get some ass. but, maybe im over thinking this, maybe, the world cannot handle the truth (cliche i know) and that is why we say things we don't mean, thats why we say things like " i love you" maybe its a way to HOPE that oneday that saying would mean something, or maybe not. whatcha think?

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