
Could Today Be Anyworse?

BTW, Bfore you start reading this blog, please check out my friends blog, you may end up likeing hers better than mine :) XD. CLICK HERE

Well Well Well, Your back :) thanks for being loyal. haha. Well today lets talk about BAD DAYS.  today was one of my extremly bad days. lets put things in order.
1) i missed the bus the school there fore haveing to walk 3.25 miles to school
2) i walked for 1 hour. and still managed to be 30 minutes late. yay. so now i have 1 out of four possible tardies before SATURDAY D’TENTION( which btw is totlly unfiar, why cant they do regualr before/after/lunch detentions like regular schools)
3)i got to biology, and couldnt find my biology homework, i now have a big fat ZERO on that assignment.
4) i got to study hall, found my Biology assignment (and hour late no chance in turning that in) but now i cant find my english book.
5) Found my english book in locker, realized i left my binder in my Spanish class, and then i check, Things are MISSING.
6) i Get to english book, which i have found by now, but now, my English HOMEWORK is no where to be found. (dosent this day just get better and better?)
7) i get home, and realize. i gant do half my homework but cause my boks are inmy locker at school,. greaaat. the making of ANOTHER bad day are already beginning.
next subject, ( if you are still reading this, i applude you for you have just entered the better part of this blog. )
So me and my Girl Nytevea (not my girlfriend just a friend girl?)  Are sitting in Biology, and My Techer lets call her Ms.Talktomuch, is as her name is. talking way to much about graphs, now i dont know how old you are, but i am assuming since you have a tumblr that you are old enough to have seen a line graph at somepoint in your life. Correct? great. So as we sit here, Bored to death. i find that i cant find my homework, (lets not get into this) and Ny, just didnt get it turned in. so now we are both already irate.  Then Ms.Talkstomuch, is gabbing on about how to graph. lwts quote her shall we?
” your graph dosent need to start at zero”
“my graph never starts at zero”
“your incriments are all off, i only want you to have 5 main sections”
stupid dum dum, most graphs, in 2009, not 5099 BC, have more than 5 numbers, o.o;; are you sure you grduated highschool on your frst try?
so as we are WORNLY being taught to graph things. i realize. i dont understand i word she is saying, becaue the packet she gave us on graphing has like more pages then obamas last healthcare document (i have nothing against obama. i just need something to caompare too.). and for those of you who are in the political intrest… there are more pages in this stupid packet then there are of micheal jacksons hit songs/albums. and that is ALOT, trust me.  i am not hating on my teacher i just think she needs to calm down alil bit. and recheck her lesson plans everynow and then. she gave us a worksheet to do she said she had for the last 5 years? its called UPDATE/UPGRADE. im sure you have heard of this? i hope…
Well Either way. Let me hear about your stories/questions/comments. i will repost some and then answer/ also. i have started a new thing. Every WEDNESDAY! i will also post,(aswell as a regular blog post) a Question Answering thing.so send me an email at elmograham@myspace.com. and i will reply within the next 24 hrs, to you directly and also post the question here.  here is the things i need from you.
Last inital
State you live in
if you would like to be called somethings else [E.i: Sweaty in Algebra]
and a url/email that you can me contacted at[optional]
Shout it out, iight:)
Email me.Comment me.Rate me.Follow me. READ the rest of my blogs. Starting a youtube soon. you can see me singing. and trying to pursiue my dream of becomeing an actor/singer. or a CEO, Either way i will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO. I remembered that day it was yesterday! lol :)
    I didnt know you put a link to my blog! That is so sweet! Thanks buddy! :)


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