

There is onething my parents will NEVER have to worry about me doing. Ever. i mean it. it is REPULSIVE, on any one. SMOKING: smoking is HORRIBLE. i dont care if it is for "medical" reasons. or just for "fun" there is nothing "fun" about killing your self. smoking is a Slow and painfull death and causes some of the most un-apealing side effects.
1) your finger tips turn yellow
2) your teeth get yellow
3) your breath constantly stinks
4)kissing youis like licking an ashtray
5) you lose your sence of taste
6) you become addictied
7) you die.

oh and you know those frinds you love soooo much? yea.. btw your killing them too. by blowing your stupid seconded hand smoke into the air your friends have higher risks of lung cancer asthma, asthma attacks, and many other breathing problems  have you ever seen what a smokers chest looks like? let me show you!
The one on the right is the smoker, and the one on the left is the non smoker. yay!. dont we all what to have a nasty chard crumbly lung in our body.... NO!.  i am HIGHLY against smoking in all ages. but when i see someone in FRESHMAN year of highschool. i just think about what they are doing and how it affects there body, i feel so sorry for them.

here are the facts though.

  • Every day in the United States alone, approximately 3,000 kids under the age of 18 start smoking.
  • Every day 1,200 Americans die from smoking-related illnesses.
  • Teen smokers get sick more often than teens who don’t smoke.
  • Teen smokers have smaller lungs and weaker hearts than teens who don’t smoke.
  • Teen smokers are more likely to use alcohol and other drugs.
  • Addicted smokers tend to use more nicotine over time. The habit usually grows. What starts out as 5 or 10 cigarettes a day usually becomes a pack or two a day habit eventually.
  • It is estimated that approximately 4.5 million adolescents in the United States are smokers.
  • Those who start smoking young are more likely to have a long-term addiction to nicotine than people who start smoking later in life.
  • Smoking-related illnesses claim more American lives than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide and illegal drugs combined.(1)
  • People who smoke a pack a day die on average 7 years earlier than people who have never smoked.
  • Smoking is the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States.(2)
  • BTW: no one!. and i mean no one thinks it is cool. 
if you have an addiction problem, please talk to your parents and school consler, woudl yo rather be grounded or die? it takes 3 ciggeretes to start an addiction and takes 3 weeks to end one. dont be just another statistic. speak out, and get involved. if you or your school wants more info, you can visit the D.A.R.E website, Teens, check out nostankyou.com your life is more than a pack of cigerettes, treat it like that.

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